When we act on our impulses, it can be hard to predict the outcomes. This can make starting something new very scary. For so long, I was hesitant to release my project to the public. But one day, I had the impulse to just stop holding back my ideas. It was this impulse that finally pushed me to launch RouleSAPC.com.
The release of this website brings me to a weird, new place. On one hand, I've accomplished a major goal - launching my website. On the other hand, I am now responsible for up-keeping the site.
Everyday, I challenge myself to come up with new ideas and topics to write about. My creativity has reached a new height. The possibilities are endless, now. Following the impulse to break out of my comfort zone has, ironically, made me less afraid of the outcomes.
I'm optimistic for the future of Roulé.
There's still a lot of work to be done these next few months! The website is up and ready, but I'm still in the building phase. I've been busy exploring the city for new places to write about and to share with you. I've been working on new designs that will soon be released.
Mardi Gras is right around the corner, and as a NOLA-inspired brand, you know there's going to be some new releases coming out of that. Stay in the loop by following Roulé on our social media pages: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, tumblr
Thank you for tuning in. Things are just getting started!